Pack at a Glance

Our Vision

Cub Scouts is FUN with a PURPOSE… So our Leaders having FUN, lead to families having FUN, lead to Scouts having FUN, lead to Scouts becoming people of character. So let’s always have FUN!

Our Mission

Pack 1714 gets outside, shows Scout and community spirit, engages the whole family, grows Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts, develops our Scouts self-confidence…All while having FUN!

General Information

Cub Scouts is open to all kindergarten through 5th-grade boys and girls from all schools. A new Scout can join at any age, they do not have to start in kindergarten. There are about 70 Scouts in Pack 1714 organized by age into Dens of around 10 Scouts for each Den.

Time Commitment

Pack and Den leaders are volunteer parents, sometimes grandparents. Dens meet 1 – 2 times per month, and the Pack meets once a month, usually on Thursday evenings. An adult, usually a parent, must participate with their their younger Scout(s) in all meetings and events.


Kindergartners are Lions, 1st graders are Tigers, 2nd graders are Wolves, 3rd graders are Bears and 4th – 5th graders are Webelos. A Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.


Fees are $200 / Scout and cover national registration for the school year plus a subscription to the national Scouting magazine called Scout’s Life. Other approximate costs include required uniforms ($100), and camp fees depending on day/overnight camps attended ($20 – $100/camp).